moglinmog commissions

Slots: 1/10 Available
Illustration commissions are: CLOSED
Emote commissions are: CLOSED
Hello, and welcome to my commissions page! You can call me Anju. I am an artist who specializes in anime-style character drawings. I enjoy drawing things of the frilly and cutesy variety, and prefer to draw those types of things- please keep that in mind when commissioning me. PLEASE READ AND ABIDE BY MY TOS BELOW.What is the basic rundown on how to commission me? First, we message in DM's and hash out what you'd like. I'll sketch something up with some basic colour tests, and send it back to you. From this point, you'll be allowed to ask for edits and alterations (should you need them). You can ask for as many edits and alterations as you'd like in the sketch phase. When you are finally satisfied with the sketch, I'll give you a day to think on it and let you make sure that you're sure everything is good. Then I will send an invoice via PayPal, and I'll colour/render upon payment. The reason you are not able to ask for edits after payment is because my illustrating style is heavily painted, and incredibly hard to edit after the colouring is finished. I am more lenient with still emotes.I do not support AI generated works. I also do not consent to my work being used in AI generation.QUEUE:
2 emote - FINISHED
2 emote - FINISHED
5 emote pack - FINISHED
5 emote pack - FINISHED
5 emote pack - FINISHED
5 emote pack + character - Emotes sketched ready to render, character being sketched
Character - Character being sketched
8 characters with setting - Planning in process


  • I have the right to reject any commissions for any reason.

  • I have the right to post my work on my social media- you must specify beforehand if you do not want it to be posted.

  • Do not remove my watermark.

  • I will outright refuse certain fetish work and harmful imagery of any kind. If you have to ask if something is okay, it likely isn't- but you may ask if you are unsure, regardless.

  • Suggestive work is okay, NSFW is not. In this case, characters must be 18+. Aged up characters do not bypass this.

  • Payment is done through Paypal invoices, and payment must be sent after the sketch is sent.

  • Visual references are required- be that character art/collages, photos, or even stickman figure drawings. I will not copy other artist's work one to one without expressed permission from the artist themselves- I respect other artist's designs, and so should you. Please have poses in mind.

  • Edits to the image are required to be done in the sketch phase, and will not be permitted after the fact- with exceptions to mistakes in skintone and body type.

  • Complaining about my prices (or the prices of other artists) will not be tolerated, and will immediately have you blacklisted.

Emote Prices

  • $15 USD for 1 emote.

  • $55 USD for 5 emote pack.

  • $30 USD for animated emotes. These may not be selected in the 5 emote packs. Examples would be: pat emotes, starry eyes, bongocat, etc. If you're asking for a complicated emote, that will be case-by-case basis. Temporarily closed, will open after I finish other commissions.

  • You can ask for emotes that aren't seen in the examples above, just be sure to send me a reference.

Character Illustration Prices

  • $120 USD per image. (previous clients before price change will have previous price)

  • +$60 per additional character. (Meaning the first character is $120, and the following characters you add are an additional $60.)

  • I do not charge extra for mobility aids or other disability aids- though I am still inexperienced in drawing them.

  • Illustrated backgrounds unavailable at this time- but transparent, solid, or gradient backgrounds are available upon request.

  • View more examples on my twitter. See the twitter bird icon at the top of the page for a link to said twitter.